[TANF-023] 18-Year-Old Rookie Pitcher Yume, Member of a Small Baseball Team, Celebrates Her AV Debut

弱小野球部所属 現役ピッチャーゆめな18歳 祝AVデビュー


Released date:2024-10-12 ID:tanf00023 ID(DVD):TANF-023
After dedicating her youth to baseball, the 18-year-old newcomer Yume has found something even more exciting. Her first AV shoot is filled with nerves! As she takes off her uniform, a tanned, slender nude body is revealed. But once things heat up, she climaxes repeatedly, gasping for breath! The innocent, athletic girl who was once shy about romance and dedicated solely to her baseball team now shows off her alluring body, pulsating with newfound sensuality. Get ready for Yume, the promising rookie who's about to make waves in the AV industry.
野球に青春を捧げた学生時代、今はもっと熱くなれるものを見つけた新人18歳ゆめな。初のAV撮影ではかなりの緊張…!ユニフォームを脱ぐと…そこには小麦色の華奢な裸体が現れる。でもHが始まると息を荒くなってしまうほど絶頂を連発!!今までは恋愛に奥手で野球部一筋なスポコン少女のいやらしいBODYが敏感に躍動する。AV界に現れた期待のルーキーゆめなに刮目せよ。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『【妄想族】デジタルメガストア』はこちら!