[NHDTB-970] Natural High 25th Anniversary Work: Camp Shame 2 - Turning Cheerleader Girls into Submissive Slaves with Group Masturbation and Gangbang Sex

ナチュラルハイ25周年記念作品 合宿羞恥2 チア部女子たちを集団オナニーで言いなり化して大乱交SEX


Released date:2024-10-10 ID:1nhdtb00970 ID(DVD):NHDTB-970
Series: 合宿羞恥
The cheerleading squad girls are targeted during their training camp! At the gym during practice! While doing laundry! Even in the communal bath! One by one, they're secretly made to climax and can't resist! Unable to confide in their teammates, the worst-case scenario unfolds! They sneak into the dormitory after lights out and engage in shocking 14-way gangbang sex, including "vibrator insertion and fixation," "group masturbation," and "nude cheerleading dance," leaving the girls unable to resist the humiliation!
合宿中のチア部女子たちが標的に! 練習中の体育館で! 洗濯中に! 大浴場でも! 1人、また1人と密かにイカされ拒めない!!チームメイトにも相談できず最悪の事態が! 就寝後の大部屋に忍び込まれ「バイブぶっ挿し固定」「集団オナニー」「全裸チアダンス」etc.羞恥で抗えない女子部員たちと衝撃の14P大乱交セックス!!※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集 最新作やセール商品など、お得な情報満載の『ナチュラルハイストア』はこちら!