This story begins with a man who falls for a beauty trap (tsutsumotase) and hires an assassin for revenge. While assassins are familiar characters from games, dramas, and movies, in this narrative, the assassin is depicted wearing black gloves. For a deeper understanding of this detail, we recommend watching the concurrently released adult sex education TV series "Anal Assassin."
The other main character is Rika Tsubaki, a modern "sugar baby" type who is solely interested in money and isn't afraid to use beauty traps. The story follows the black-gloved assassin as he confronts and ultimately seeks to punish her for these actions. However, in a surprising twist, Rika Tsubaki awakens to love after a passionate encounter with the assassin, an unusual development for BOTAN productions.
We encourage you to watch the story and experience its heartwarming and satisfying conclusion. Please note that the content may vary depending on the distribution method.