[IKUNA-004] The Ultimate Showdown: Ikuna Season 2 - A Battle Royale of Sexy Superstars! Who Will Be Crowned Queen of Orgasms?

『IKUNA#8.0』波多野結衣vs大槻ひびき 全セクシー界GAMANKO最艶対決 レジェンド級最艶頂上決戦! いつもイキ潮まくるAVスター競演<イキガマン狂い>絶頂決戦『IKUNA』シーズン2!イキガマンの果てに手にする絶頂は恍惚か!失神か!失禁か!最高の絶頂女王は誰だ!「AV…


Released date:2024-01-19 ID:1ikuna00004 ID(DVD):IKUNA-004
Series: IKUNA
Studio: BOTAN Label: IKUNA Director: ネギトロ
The sexy target is a woman. Write from a view of a male who desires sex. In this thrilling battle, two legendary actresses face off in an epic clash! Botan presents Breaking Orgasm Showdown featuring Botan's latest star-studded event with none other than Yui Hatano and Hibiki Otsuki! Their performances are nothing short of breathtaking as they showcase their talents on stage. With three titles under her belt - "Ikuna," "Action & Fighting," and "Hi-Def" - it's no wonder that Yui Hatano has become one of Japan's most sought-after stars. On the other hand, Hibiki Otsuki boasts an impressive resume including roles such as "Magical Squirting Queen" and "Orgasm Executioner." This match promises to be intense and unforgettable! The action begins when both actresses make grand entrances into the ring. As the announcer introduces them, the crowd goes wild with excitement. First up is Hibiki Otsuki, whose entrance leaves everyone spellbound by her stunning beauty and allure. Then comes Yui Hatano, known worldwide for her captivating presence and irresistible charm. Both women stand tall at 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm) tall, making them tower over their opponent while exuding an air of confidence that can only come from true mastery of their craft. As they lock eyes across the ring, tension fills the arena like electricity before a storm. Fans hold their breath anticipating what will happen next between these two titans of eroticism. The referee calls for silence so that we may witness history unfold before our very eyes...
BOTANプレゼンツ!ブレイキング アクメショウ!続いての最新決戦は、レジェント美人女優の頂上対決です!艶技派AV女優あまたあれど、「美人」+「演技派」+「艶技」の三拍子揃ったお方は、このおふたりを置いて他はない!【波多野結衣】vs【大槻ひびき】であります!このような対決こそ、IKUNAのステージに相応しい豪華絢爛な組み合わせではないでしょうか!で、余談ではありますが_、BOTAN人気シリーズ「××とお風呂に入りませんか」で、このお二人に主演をお願いした頃より、我らスタッフは、粘り強くお二人をIKUNAステージに上げることを口説いていたという経緯があるんですね。で、ここに目出たく実現の運びに相なったというワケなんです!あ!始まりました!実況アナ「青コーナー!!大槻ひびき選手の入場です!!!!」場内騒然です。大槻ひびき選手が花道を堂々の入場。そしてリングイン。アナの叫び!「青コーナー!魔性の聖液 パーフェクトウーマン 射精執行人 不退転の福音 セクシー界の『聖杯』 」続いて、赤コーナーからは、波多野結衣が登場!花道を練り歩く姿はさすが超美人の貫禄です!「 世界のハタノ アジアの美神 生ける伝説 日本の『至宝』!! 」アナの叫びが場内にコダマします!リングインの波多野選手!「はた~の~ゆ~い~~!!」ガウン投げ捨て、威風堂々のお姿。両者、フェイスオフで、睨み合い__。ここから先はぜひ本編での試合をご覧ください!