[RD-1191] Wife's Depraved Drama - Husband's Business Failure Forces Her To Refinance; Banker Takes Advantage After School Reunion!

熟妻卑猥ドラマ 夫が事業に失敗し融資を返済できなくなった奥さんを銀行マンは… 同窓会の後、泥●してしまった人妻に夜●いを仕掛ける!


Released date:2023-08-30 ID:149rd01191 ID(DVD):RD-1191
Series: 熟妻
Studio: Athena Eizou Label: ATHENA Director: 村山恭助
A married woman whose husband was unable to repay a loan from the bank due to his hospitalization found herself in financial trouble when a bank employee she didn't know well visited her seeking advice about a problem he was having. However, his true intentions were revealed when he expressed interest in her mature body, offering help through his father, a lawyer. As they became more intimate, the desperate housewife gave in to her lustful desires, allowing him to pleasure her in ways she hadn't experienced in years. Meanwhile, at a high school reunion party, another woman found herself drunk and vulnerable after indulging in alcoholic beverages. An old classmate offered to take her home but instead took advantage of her drunken state by stripping off her clothes and fondling her breasts before penetrating her soiled underwear. Despite protests from both parties involved, their primal urges overpowered them leading to intense sexual encounters that left them both satisfied yet ashamed afterwards.
夫が銀行からの融資を返済出来ないまま入院してしまった。そんな時、担当外の銀行マンが奥さんに相談があると訪ねて来たのだが、狙いは熟した体だった。「このままですと裁判所を通して差し押さえと言う強●執行の手続きを…」「やっぱりそうなんですね…」「僕の父が弁護士なんですけど、無償で紹介してあげても」「無償でですか?本当ですか!助かります」「だから、奥さんのこと、好きにしていいですか?」欲情した銀行マンはジワジワと敏感な体をまさぐり…。「あーっ凄いー、おかしくなっちゃうー!何も考えられないのー!」。同窓会の帰りに泥●した人妻は、久しぶりに再会した同級生に家まで送ってもらった。だが、気を許し無防備のまま寝てしまった熟妻を見て男は…。酔い潰れて寝ている同級生の服や下着を剥ぎ取り、欲望のままに弄んでいく。「綺麗なおっぱいだ!柔らかそう」「うわ、毛がはみ出てる、めっちゃ剛毛だ!」そして同級生のマンコに肉棒をゆっくり出し入れしてると…。「ちょっとヤメテー!なに、帰ったんじゃないの!」酔った状況で乳首を吸われ、マンコをイジられて小便を漏らし、久しぶりの快楽に耐え切れず狂っていく熟妻。 二話収録。